Close Order Drill (COD)
Chapter 1
Introduction to Drill
1. General
a. The Marine Corps Drill and Ceremonies Manual is designed to provide uniformity and standardization for all Marine Corps organizations. This Manual prescribes procedures for all close order drill and military ceremonial evolutions. Commanders will only deviate from prescribed procedures when expressly authorized for specific provisions of this Manual. The use of ceremonial drill movements authorized for Marine Barracks, Washington DC are not authorized for any other Marine Corps organization.
b. Online Access. In addition to the information found in this Manual, video footage can be viewed for ceremonial evolutions at: MarineNet Videos, TECOM Drill and Ceremonies Channel.
c. Purpose of Drill. Commanders use drill to:
(1) Move units from one place to another in a standard, orderly manner.
(2) Provide simple formations from which combat formations may be readily assumed.
(3) Teach discipline by instilling habits of precision and automatic response to orders.
(4) Increase the confidence of junior officers and noncommissioned officers through the exercise of command, by the giving of proper commands, and by the control of drilling troops.
(5) Give troops an opportunity to handle individual weapons.
d. Purpose of Formations
(1) To build unit cohesion and esprit de corps by recognizing Marines during awards and promotion ceremonies.
(2) To maintain continuous accountability and control of personnel.
(3) To provide frequent opportunities to observe the appearance and readiness of the uniforms, arms, and equipment of the individual Marine.
(4) To keep the individual Marine informed by providing the means to pass the word.
(5) To develop command presence in unit leaders.
(6) To instill and maintain high standards of military bearing and appearance in units and in the individual Marine.
(7) To add color and dignity to the daily routine by reinforcing the traditions of excellence associated with close order drill.
e. Scope. This manual prescribes drill for general use. Diagrams shown must be adapted to the strength of the unit and available space.
2. Definitions. The following definitions are standard terms used throughout this Manual.
a. Alignment. The dressing of several elements on a straight line.
b. Assembly Area. A designated location for forming units of platoon size or larger in preparation for a parade, review or ceremony.
c. Arms. A term used to normally designate the service rifle but can refer to any weapon. When in formation and a mix of weapons is carried the term arms will be used to designate all types of weapons.
d. Base. The element on which a movement is regulated. e. Cadence. A rhythmic rate of march at a uniform step. f. Center. The middle element of a formation with an odd number of elements (See figure 1-1a) or the left center element of a formation with an even number of elements. (See figure 1-1b.)
e. Cadence. A rhythmic rate of march at a uniform step.
f. Center. The middle element of a formation with an odd number of elements (See figure 1-1a) or the left center element of a formation with an even number of elements. (See figure 1-1b.)
g. Ceremony. A formal military formation designated to observe a specific occasion.
h. Column. A formation in which elements are placed one behind the other. A section or platoon is in column when members of each squad are one behind the other with the squads abreast of each other.
i. Commander of Troops (COT). The COT is the senior officer taking part in the ceremony. If an enlisted ceremony, the COT is the senior enlisted.
j. Depth. The space from head to rear of an element or a formation. (See figure 1-1a.) The depth of an individual is considered to be 12 inches.
k. Distance. The space between elements in the direction of depth. Between individuals, the space between your chest and the person to your front. Between vehicles, the space between the front end of a vehicle and the rear of the vehicle to its front. Between troops in formation (either on foot, mounted, or in vehicles), the space from the front of the rear unit to the rear of the unit in front. Platoon commanders, guides, and others whose positions in a formation are 40 inches from a rank are, themselves, considered a rank. Otherwise, commanders and those with them are not considered in measuring distance between units. The color guard is not considered in measuring distance between subdivisions of the unit with which it is posted. In troop formations, the distance between ranks is 40 inches. (See figure 1-2.)
1. Double Time. Cadence at 180 steps (36 inches in length) per minute. m. Element. An individual, squad, section, platoon, company, or other unit that is part of a larger unit.
n. Extended Mass Formation. The formation of a company or larger unit MCO 5060.20 15 MAY 2019 1-6 Enclosure (1) in which major elements are in column at close or normal interval and abreast at a specified interval greater than normal interval.
o. File. A single column of troops or vehicles one behind the other.
p. Flank. The right or left extremity of a unit, either in line or in column. The element on the extreme right or left of the line. A direction at a right angle to the direction an element or a formation is facing.
q. Formation. Arrangement of elements of a unit in line, in column, or in any other prescribed manner.
r. Front. The space occupied by an element or a formation, measured from one flank to the other. (See figure 1-1a.) The front of an individual is considered to be 22 inches.
s. Guide. The individual (base) upon whom a formation, or other elements thereof, regulates its march. To guide: to regulate interval, direction, or alignment; to regulate cadence on a base file (right, left, or center).
t. Head. The leading element of a column.
u. Interval. The lateral space between elements on the same line. (See figure 1-3). Interval is measured between individuals from shoulder to shoulder and between vehicles from hub to hub or track to track. It is measured between elements other than individuals and between formations from flank to flank. Unit commanders and those with them are not considered in measuring interval between elements of the unit. Normal interval between individuals is one arm's length. Close interval is the horizontal distance between shoulder and elbow when the left hand is placed on the left hip.
v. Left (Right). Extreme left (right) element or edge of a body of troops.
w. Line. A formation in which the elements are side by side or abreast of each other. A section or platoon is in line when its squads are in line and one behind the other.
x. Line of March. The line on which individuals or units are to march on.
y. Line of Troops. The line on which troops are to form when in formation.
z. Loosened Sling. Indicates a sling adjusted for the movement sling arms.
aa. Mass Formation. The formation of a company or larger unit in which the major elements are in column at close interval and abreast at close interval.
ab. Muffling. The procedure of draping colors for mourning with a mourning streamer or black bunting. It also refers to the process of muffling the musical instruments of a band for specific types of ceremonies.
ac. Pace. The length of a full step in quick time, 30 inches.
ad. Parade. A parade is a ceremony that involves the movement of marching units.
ae. Parade Sling. A sling that has all excess slack removed and is taught. The keeper is adjusted and locked in a position next to the sling tip. The sling lies on the left side of the rifle.
af. Piece. An individual firearm such as a rifle.
ag. Point of Rest. The point toward which all elements of a unit establish their dress or alignment.
ah. Quick Time. Cadence at 112 to 120 steps (12, 15, or 30 inches in length) per minute. It is the normal cadence for drills and ceremonies.
ai. Rank. A line of troops or vehicles placed side by side.
aj. Review. A review is a type of ceremony that omits certain elements found in a parade, but includes an inspection (trooping the line) not found in a parade.
ak. Rigged. This term refers to the condition when uniforms and equipment are properly fitted out in the manner for which they were intended for use. Swords are considered rigged when attached to the frog (noncommissioned officers) or sword sling (commissioned officer). A Marine is rigged when wearing the prescribed uniform or equipment.
al. Slow Time. Cadence at 60 steps per minute. Used for funerals only.
am. Snap. In commands or signals, the quality that inspires immediate response. In drill the immediate and smart execution of a movement.
an. Step. The distance from heel to heel between the feet of a marching individual. The half step and back step are 15 inches. The right and left steps are 12 inches. The steps in quick and double time are 30 and 36 inches, respectively.
ao. Strong Grip. The strong grip is when the thumb is wrapped around the front of the staff with the fingers wrapped to the rear. (See figure 1- 4.)
ap. Unit Leader. The individual who is drilling the unit. This can be any individual who is conducting drill or can be those assigned a specific billet such as squad leader, platoon sergeant, platoon commander, etc.
aq. “V” Grip. The “V” grip is with the staff placed in the “V” formed by the thumbs and forefinger with the fingers extended and joined. (See figure 1-5.)
4. Instruction Groups
a. The basic instruction group is the squad. Its size facilitates individual instruction.
b. Individuals who learn slowly should be placed in special squads. The best instructors available should drill these squads.
5. Commands and the Command Voice
a. There are four types of commands: preparatory commands, commands of execution, combined commands, and supplementary commands. All commands in this manual are shown in quotation marks, (e.g., “Present, ARMS” and bold print).
(1) The preparatory command indicates a movement is to be made and may also indicate the direction of the movement. In this Manual, preparatory commands are shown beginning with a capital letter followed by lower case letters. The comma indicates a pause between the preparatory command and the command of execution. Examples would be “Forward,” “Left,” “Platoon,” “About,” etc.
(2) The command of execution causes the desired movement to be executed. In this manual, commands of execution are shown in CAPITAL LETTERS. Examples would be “MARCH,” “FACE,” “ATTENTION,” etc.
(3) With the combined command, the preparatory command and the command of execution are combined. In this Manual combined commands are shown in UNDERLINED CAPITAL LETTERS. Examples would be “AT EASE,” “REST,” “FALL IN,” etc. MCO 5060.20 15 MAY 2019 1-11 Enclosure (1)
(4) Supplementary commands are commands that cause the component units to act individually. An example would be the commands squad leaders would give to their individual squads following the platoon commander's preparatory command, “Column of Files From the Right,” and before the command of execution “MARCH.” In this manual supplementary commands may be shown as preparatory commands, commands of execution or combined commands, depending on the movement.
b. When giving commands, commanders face their troops.
(1) For company formations or larger, when commanding marching troops from the head of a column or massed formations, commanders march backward while giving commands.
(2) When commanding a unit that is part of a larger unit, commanders turn their heads to give commands, but do not face about except when the unit is halted and the smaller units are in line. In this case, the leader faces about to give all commands except to repeat preparatory commands, for which turning the head is sufficient.
c. Commanders of platoons and larger units, when drilling as a part of a still larger unit, repeat all preparatory commands or give the proper new command or warning. There are three exceptions to this.
(1) The first is that no repetition is necessary for combined commands such as “FALL IN,” “FALL OUT,” “REST,” or “AT EASE.”
(2) The second is that no repetition of command is necessary when a unit is in mass formation.
(3) The third exception is that no repetition of command is necessary during parades and ceremonies where the commander of troops, adjutant, etc., may be clearly heard by all hands or the commander of troops and adjutant, give combined commands and subordinate unit commanders cause their units to execute the command independently. (e.g., when the regimental commander gives the combined command to “PORT ARMS” subordinate battalion commanders would give the command of “Port, ARMS” so that their battalion would execute the command as an independent unit of the regiment.)
d. If at a halt, the commands for movements, which involve marching at quick time in a direction other than to the direct front, such as “Column Right, MARCH,” are not prefaced by the preparatory command, “Forward.”
e. The only commands that use unit designations, such as “Battalion” or “Company,” as preparatory commands are “ATTENTION” and “HALT.” Such commands shall have no further designation added (e.g., “First Battalion, ATTENTION” or “Company C, HALT”). Commands shall be given only as stated herein. f. A command must be given loud enough to be heard by all members of a unit. (1) Good posture, proper breathing, and the correct use of throat and mouth muscles help develop a commander's voice.
(2) Projecting the voice enables one to be heard at maximum range without undue strain. To project a command, commanders must focus their voices on the most distant individuals. Good exercises for voice projection are:
(a) Yawning to get the feel of the open mouth and throat.
(b) Counting and saying the vowel sounds “oh” and “ah” in a full, firm voice.
(c) Giving commands at a uniform cadence, prolonging each syllable. (d) When practicing, stand erect, breathe properly, keep the mouth open wide, and relax the throat.
(3) The diaphragm is the most important muscle in breathing. It is the large horizontal muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. It automatically controls normal breathing, but must be developed to give commands properly. Deep breathing exercises are one good method of developing the diaphragm. Another is to take a deep breath, hold it, open the mouth, relax the throat muscles, and snap out a series of fast “hats” or “huts.” Expelling short puffs of air from the lungs should make these sounds. If properly done, you can feel the stomach muscles tighten as the sounds are made.
(4) The throat, mouth, and nose act as amplifiers. They give fullness to and help project the voice. In giving commands, the throat should be relaxed. The lower jaw and lips should be loose. The mouth should be open wide and the vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u) should be prolonged. Consonants (letters other than vowels) and word endings should be curt and sharply cut off.
(5) The position of attention is the proper position for giving commands (See figure 1-6a). A leader's bearing will be emulated. If it is military, junior personnel will be inspired to respond to commands with snap and precision.
(6) Distinct commands inspire troops. Indistinct commands confuse them. All commands can be given correctly without loss of effect or cadence. To give distinct commands, you must emphasize enunciation; make full use of the tongue, lips, and lower jaw; practice giving commands slowly, carefully, and in cadence; and then increase the rate of delivery until the proper rhythm (112 to 120 beats per minute) is reached and each syllable is distinct. Raising the hand to the mouth to aid in projecting commands is not proper.
(7) Inflection is the rise and fall in pitch, the tone changes of the voice.
(a) Preparatory commands should be delivered with a rise and inflection in the voice. (e.g., “BaaaTALion,” “PlaaaTOON,” “FoorWARD,” “TO the REAR,” etc.) In particular those preparatory commands that cause supplemental movements should be heavily accentuated on the last syllable. (e.g., The command “Present, ARMS” the preparatory command Preee(pause) ZENT” causes those armed with swords to execute the first count of the movement and the national color to go to the carry. Another example is “Officers, Center, MARCH.” On the preparatory command of “OffiCERS” those armed with swords go to the carry, on the preparatory command of “CennnTER” the officer’s step and/or face)
(b) A command of execution is given in a sharper and higher pitch than the tone of the preparatory command's last syllable. A good command of execution has no inflection, but it must have snap. It should be delivered with sharp emphasis, ending like the crack of a whip. If properly given, troops will react to it with snap and precision.
(c) Combined commands such as “FALL IN” are delivered without inflection. They are given in the uniform high pitch and loudness of a command of execution.
(b) Marching commands, such as “By the Right Flank, MARCH,” must be started so the preparatory command will end as the foot in the desired direction of movement strikes the deck. There is then a full count before the command of execution, which is given on the same foot. (See table 1-1 for the suggested foot to give commands on while marching.)
(2) For a company or larger unit, the intervals must be longer. This is necessary for leaders of component units to repeat preparatory commands, give warning, or supplementary commands. The following example shows the proper cadence for the command “Right, FACE” to a company:
7. Drill by the Numbers
a. Drill movements may be divided into individual motions for instruction. When drill is executed by the numbers, the first motion is made on the command of execution. Subsequent motions are made in proper order on the commands TWO, THREE, FOUR, the number of counts depending upon the number of motions in the movement. To use this method, the command “BY THE NUMBERS” precedes the preparatory command. All movements are then executed by the numbers until the command “WITHOUT NUMBERS” is given.
8. Mass Commands and Individual Commands from Ranks
a. Mass Commands. The use of mass commands in drill develops confidence and team spirit. It also teaches troops to give and execute commands properly.
(1) The initial command is “At Your Command.” The instructor then gives a preparatory command that describes the movement, for example, “At Your Command, Face the Platoon to the Right, COMMAND.” After this, all members of the platoon command, “Right, FACE” together and execute it. Another mass command example is “At Your Command, Call the Platoon to Attention, COMMAND.” The troops command, “Platoon, ATTENTION.”
(2) Marching movements may be conducted in a similar manner as follows: “ALL MOVEMENTS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WILL BE AT YOUR COMMAND.”
(a) INSTRUCTOR: “Call the Platoon to Attention, COMMAND.” TROOPS: “Platoon, ATTENTION.” (b) INSTRUCTOR: “Forward, COMMAND.” TROOPS: “Forward, MARCH.”
(c) INSTRUCTOR: “By the Right Flank, COMMAND.” TROOPS: “By the Right Flank, MARCH.”
(3) Only simple movements with short preparatory commands are used for mass commands. Preparatory commands that require supplemental commands by subordinate leaders are not used.
(4) In order to return to normal drill methods, the instructor orders “At My Command.”
b. Individual Commands From Ranks. As an aid in training individuals to give commands properly, personnel in ranks may be designated to give individual commands. This should be done only after a unit has learned to execute commands and give mass commands. The instructor designates the individual who is to give the command by name or place in ranks. He may be designated while the unit is marching or halted. The instructor describes the movement to be made, as in mass commands, but does not add “COMMAND.” The designated individual remains in position and gives the appropriate command, executing the command with the unit.
c. Counting Cadence. Counting cadence by troops in ranks teaches them group coordination and rhythm. The command is “Count Cadence, COUNT” or “Delayed Cadence, COUNT.” The command of execution being given as the left foot hits the deck. Everyone then counts cadence for 8 steps, starting when the left foot next strikes the deck. They should be required to do so in a firm, vigorous manner.
9. Advanced Drill Procedures
a. Cadence Drill (Speed Drill). Cadence drill is an advanced form of drill. It is used only with Marines who have learned basic drill as prescribed in this manual. It provides variety for well-trained troops and “livens up” a drill period. In cadence drill, the commander, abbreviates preparatory commands and deletes the pause between the preparatory command and the command of execution. Each time a commander uses this form of drill, he must explain that the unit is departing from prescribed drill. Cadence drill is suitable for platoon and smaller units. Examples of cadence drill are:
b. Trick Drill. As with cadence drill, this form of drill is used only with troops who have thoroughly learned all prescribed drill and cadence drill. Additionally, it may be used as a motivating device for well-trained troops. It is extremely complex and requires extensive training and rehearsals. Trick drills are not described in this manual. They are limited only by the imagination of the drill instructor.
10. Table of Symbols Used in this Manual
a. Table 1-2 shows the symbols used in this manual.
Chapter 2
Individual Instructions without Arms
Section 1: Positions
1. Attention. The position of attention (see figure 2-1) is the basic military position from which most other drill movements are executed. There are no counts, however, there are seven steps in describing the position:
a. Smartly bring your left heel against the right.
b. Turn your feet out equally to form an angle of 45 degrees. Keep your heels on the same line and touching.
c. Your legs should be straight, but not stiff at the knees.
d. Keep your hips and shoulders level and your chest lifted.
e. Your arms should be straight, but not stiff at the elbows; thumbs along the trouser seams, palms facing inward toward your legs, and fingers joined in their natural curl.
f. Keep your head and body erect. Look straight ahead, keep your mouth closed and your chin pulled in slightly.
g. Stand still and do not talk.
h. The movement may be executed when halted, at any position of rest, or while marching at route step or at ease. The commands are “FALL IN” and “ATTENTION.” On the command “FALL IN,” you would assume your position in ranks at the position of attention. The command “ATTENTION” is always preceded by a preparatory command designated by the size of the unit, such as “Squad, Platoon,” or “Company.” For example, when drilling a squad the command to bring them to attention would be “Squad, ATTENTION.” Thereafter, they move only as ordered until given “AT EASE,” “REST,” “FALL OUT,” or they are dismissed.
i. When at a position of rest or while marching at route step or at ease and the command “ATTENTION” is given, the following applies:
(1) When given at parade rest, come to attention.
(2) When given at ease or rest, assume the position of parade rest on the preparatory command “Squad, Platoon, or Company.” When “ATTENTION” is given go to that position.
(3) When given while marching at route step or at ease, get in step as soon as possible and continue to march at attention.
2. Rest. There are four positions of rest for halted troops. They are parade rest, at ease, rest, and fall out. The purpose of rest is to give troops a rest from the position of attention. Parade rest, at ease, and rest, are one-count movements. Fall out is not a precision movement and has no counts. All are executed from the position of attention. The commands are “Parade, REST;” “AT EASE;” “REST;” and “FALL OUT.”
a. Parade Rest. On the preparatory command “Parade,” shift the weight of your body to the right leg without noticeable movement. On the command of execution “REST,” and for the count of one, move the left foot twelve inches (measured from the inside of each heel) smartly to the left. The heels remain on line and the body weight rests equally on both legs. The legs remain straight without stiffness. At the same time the left foot is moved, clasp the hands behind the back. The left hand is placed just below the belt and the right hand is placed inside the left. The thumb of the right hand lightly grasps the thumb of the left. All fingers are extended and joined with the palms to the rear. The elbows will be in line with the body. Silence and immobility are required. (See figure 2-2.) The only command you may receive while at parade rest is “ATTENTION.”
b. At Ease. The command is “AT EASE.” It is executed in one count. At the command, keep your right foot in place. You may move about and adjust equipment, but must not talk. You may also be given this command when not in ranks. In this case, it means cease talking, but continue whatever you were doing before the command. When in ranks, the only command you may receive while at ease is “ATTENTION.”
c. Rest. The command is “REST.” It is executed in one count. At the command, you may move, adjust equipment, and talk in a low conversational tone; however, you must keep your right foot in place. The only command you may receive while at rest is “ATTENTION.”
d. Fall Out. The command is “FALL OUT.” At the command, leave your position in ranks, but remain nearby or proceed to a pre-designated area. When “FALL IN” is given, return to your place in ranks at the position of attention.
3. Eyes Right (Left). The purpose of eyes right (left) is to demonstrate military courtesy to reviewing officers and dignitaries during parades and ceremonies. It is executed in one count when halted at attention or marching at quick time. The command is “Eyes, RIGHT (LEFT).” The command to turn the head back to the position of attention is “Ready, FRONT.”
a. When the command of execution “RIGHT (LEFT)” is given, turn your head smartly and look 45 degrees to the right (left) keeping your shoulders square to the front.
b. On the command of execution “FRONT,” turn your head and eyes smartly back to the front. During reviews at which the reviewing officer troops the line, ready front will not be given after eyes right. At such ceremonies, turn your head and eyes smartly toward the reviewing officer upon the command of execution “RIGHT.” As he passes to the left, follow the reviewing officer with your head and eyes until you are looking directly to the front.
c. When marching, give the command, “Eyes, RIGHT” so that the command of execution is given as the right foot strikes the deck and the command “Eyes, LEFT” so that the command of execution is given as the left foot strikes the deck. Give the command “Ready, FRONT” from eyes right so that the command of execution is given as the left foot strikes the deck and “Ready, FRONT” from eyes left so that the command of execution is given as the right foot strikes the deck. For example:
4. Facing Movements. The purpose of facing movements is to face a unit to the right, left or about. Facing movements are executed in two counts when halted at attention. The commands are “Right, FACE;” “Left, FACE;” and “About, FACE.” Facing movements are executed in the cadence of quick time. While facing, your arms should not swing out from your sides, but remain at the position of attention.
a. “Right, FACE” is a two-count movement. (See figure 2-3.) (1) On count one, (see figure 2-3b) at the command “FACE,” raise your left heel and right toe slightly. Turn to the right on your right heel and left toe. Keep your left leg straight but not stiff. (2) On count two (see figure 2-3c), place the left foot smartly beside the right and stand at attention.
b. “Left, FACE” is executed in the same manner described in paragraph 4.a. above, substituting left for right and right for left.
c. “About, FACE” is a two-count movement. (See figure 2-4.)
(1) At the command “About,” shift your weight to your left leg without noticeable movement. (See figure 2-4a.).
(2) On count one (see figure 2-4b) at the command “FACE,” place our right toe half a foot length behind and slightly to the left of your heel. Do not change the position of your left foot. Rest your weight evenly on the left heel and the ball of the right foot.
(3) On count two (see figure 2-4c), turn smartly to the right until facing rear. The turn is made on the left heel and ball of the right foot. The knees remain straight, but not locked during the movement. Your thumbs will remain on the seams of your trousers. If properly executed you will be at the position of attention facing in the opposite direction.
5. Hand Salutes
a. The purpose of the hand salute is to demonstrate mutual respect and courtesy between members of military organizations and to show respect to national colors. It is executed in one count when halted at attention, marching at quick time, or seated in a vehicle. The command is “Hand, SALUTE.” To return to the position of attention the command is “Ready, TWO.”
(1) When “SALUTE” is given, raise your right hand smartly in the most direct manner until the tip of your forefinger touches the lower part of the headdress above and slightly right of your right eye. Your fingers should be extended straight and joined with the thumb along the forefinger. You should be able to see your entire palm when looking straight ahead. Your upper arm should be parallel with the deck with the elbow in line with the body and your forearm at a 45-degree angle. Your wrist and hand should be straight, a continuation of the line made by your forearm. At the same time, if not in ranks, turn your head and eyes toward the person or colors you are saluting.
(2) At the command “TWO,” return to attention. Move your hand smartly in the most direct manner back to its normal position by your side.
(3) To ensure simultaneous execution of the second movement of the hand salute when troops are in formation, the preparatory command “Ready,” will be used prior to the command of execution “TWO.” b. You may salute without command from attention, while walking, or while seated in a vehicle. When walking, it is not necessary to halt to salute. Keep walking, but at attention. The salute is rendered when the person or colors to be saluted is at a six-pace distance, or at the nearest point of approach if it is apparent that the person or color is not going to approach within six paces. The salute will not be rendered if the person (color) to be saluted does not approach within 30 paces. Hold the first position of the salute until the person (color) saluted has passed or the salute is returned, then execute the second movement of the hand salute.
c. When the command “Present, ARMS” is given, if not armed, you execute the hand salute on the command “ARMS.” Stay at that position until the command “Ready, TWO” or “Order, ARMS” is given.

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Marine Corps Drill and Ceremonies Manual